
Everything You Need To Know About Coconut

fresh coconuts, desiccated coconut and coconut oil

What is Coconut?

The coconut tree is a member of the palm tree family. The term ‘coconut’ may refer to the whole coconut palm, the seed or the fruit.

Coconut is a delicious food that takes many unique forms; it can be used as a non-dairy creamer (coconut milk), a post-workout drink due to its electrolytes and carbohydrates (coconut water), and as a sugar substitute (coconut sugar). Let’s take a deep dive into all things coconut…

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is available in refined and unrefined forms. Refined coconut oil simply means it has a coconut taste (which can be a good or bad thing depending on the recipe it’s being used in), while unrefined coconut oil is a clear, tasteless oil that’s less processed.

Refined coconut oil has a smoke point of 200°C, so it can be used when sautéeing, lightly frying or baking. Unrefined coconut oil has a smoke point of 180°C. Keep in mind that coconut oil is solid at 25°C and below and turns to liquid when the temperature rises above that threshold.


Here’s what you need to know: MCT oil is clear and liquid at all times as it’s not made up of saturated, long-chain fatty acids – only medium-chain triglycerides (hence its abbreviation, MCT).

So, why do wellness enthusiasts love to add MCT oil to their food and smoothies?

It turns out MCTs are loaded with healthy fats that are immediately converted into energy. It’s what makes our Collagen Creamers such a hit! MCTs are found in the coconut milk powder that makes up this fan-favourite Vital Proteins product.

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is delicious and versatile. It can be sipped as a milk or be used as a non-dairy creamer. It goes well with coffee and tea.

Although the calories from coconut milk come from nearly all fat, it also contains a few grams of protein, water and electrolytes. There are 142 calories per 60ml.

Here’s a friendly reminder to keep in mind: coconut milk contains healthy fats, so don’t guilt trip yourself. Enjoy coconut milk knowing that you’re treating yourself to something that not only tastes good, but is also good for you.

Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar is a natural sugar that comes from coconut palm sap. It’s similar to maple syrup in that once it’s taken from the tree, it’s dehydrated. Aesthetically, coconut sugar is similar to brown sugar because of its hue and texture.

Compared to white table sugar, coconut sugar contains small amounts of minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium and potassium, along with some short-chain fatty acids like polyphenols and antioxidants.

Coconut sugar also contains a fibre known as inulin. Coconut sugar has a lower glycaemic index than regular table sugar. Coconut sugar has a glycaemic index score of 35, while table sugar has a score of 68.

A glycaemic index is a system that ranks foods on a scale from 1 to 100 based on their effect on blood sugar levels. When coconut sugar is combined with electrolytes and additional water, you’re looking at coconut water. This source of hydration is especially recommended before or after a particularly rough workout.

Coconut Water

Pure coconut water contains no added sweeteners or food colouring. It also only contains 45 calories per cup, so it can be taken daily for optimal hydration.

A 225ml glass of coconut water is packed with as much potassium as a banana. At 405mg per cup, the potassium in coconut water can help replenish one of the electrolytes that is lost during exercise. Coconut water also contains small amounts of calcium and magnesium, both of which are lost during exercise.

Coconut Collagen Recipes

We have plenty of coconut collagen recipes, using our Vital Proteins Collagen Creamer® in Coconut (which contains coconut milk powder), on our blog. Try one of our favourites by following the link below!

Written by Jake Kocinski

Collagen Coconut Muffins Recipe


Collagen Coconut Muffins Recipe

Check out this tasty collagen recipe for homemade coconut muffins.

2020-10-28 15:26:19By Vital Proteins

Vital Proteins

Vital Proteins

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